Thursday, August 14, 2008

Captured by the glory

I've been meeting a friend for a my early morning, sunrise, runs, so I am often focused on our exchange and perhaps less inclined to consider the morning around me. We do, however, always notice it. That is one of the beautiful joys of running- we engage nature. We are enveloped in the air- damp or dry, heavy or light, hot or cold, breezy or still. We are also graced with light, the brightness of it varying by the time of year or by the clouds. Of course we usually only note the extremes, and just as in life, the comfortable lulls us into a bit of sensory dullness.

This morning was perfect, but slow steps matched that dullness of an unawakened mind and unawakened senses. I had hardly started my watch when I finally looked around and noticed the sky and location of the sun. It was simply captivating. My eyes saw glory and it woke me up. There wasn't much to say at such a sight but to praise the Creator and to wonder at the gift of such beauty. There wasn't much to do, but to match my steps to excitement of the glory and run just a little lighter. I just wish I could have shared the sight with Leo and showed him that the God who made the clouds he was wondering about yesterday... also makes such glory at the very early moments of the day. Sometime soon we'll share such a moment and his senses will be captured as well.

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