Thursday, May 29, 2008

What about today?

This is truly a beautiful day. I've been up since 5 am and still haven't made it out for a run, but we've been busy. Some days are like that. I made time before I got ready for the day to do my abdominal routine and push ups, but felt that playing with my son after bringing him along to my meeting and errands was more important that loading him into the running stroller. We spent a while running around the park and swimming in the pool. Something about all that totally exhausted him as he nearly fell asleep eating his lunch.

So, I've been reading this week about love. Loving your neighbor as your self is the summary of the commandments according to Romans 13. I've read this many times, and understand it when it is discussed theoretically. Of course it is loving to 'not commit murder' or 'not commit adultery' or ' not steal'. Of course it means that I should think of how the other person might feel as I contemplate my actions. I guess that is just it... taking time to think about how my words, plans, actions might impact my 'neighbor'. I wouldn't normally think of my son as fitting into this category, but really... he does. He is most affected by the choices I make. Some days circumstances and commitments are such that it is important to just play- to run with him, to enjoy a break from my training to get down with him and focus on his delight first. Running is important, but so is rest. I usually don't plan my resting day because I know that days like today happen at least once a week. Who knows, maybe we will run later today, but if not, we will play catch, run across the lawn, jump in the pool and enjoy activity at a toddler pace. Hey- that can be pretty exhausting as well!

So, enjoy a day off and find delight in serving some 'neighbor's' need!